Chef d'équipe
Chef d'équipe
The Dystrophin-Dystroglycan complex ensures cytokinesis efficiency in Drosophila epithelia.
Publié le 15 Nov 2024 dans EMBO reports
Gonçalves M, Lopes C, Alégot H , Osswald M, Bosveld F, Ramos C, Richard G , Bellaiche Y, Mirouse V , Morais-de-Sá E
Basement membrane diversification relies on two competitive secretory routes defined by Rab10 and Rab8 and modulated by dystrophin and the exocyst complex.
Publié le 04 Mar 2024 dans PLoS genetics , vol. 20 - pp e1011169
Evolution and developmental functions of the dystrophin-associated protein complex: beyond the idea of a muscle-specific cell adhesion complex.
Publié le 13 Juin 2023 dans Frontiers in cell and developmental biology , vol. 11 - pp 1182524
In preprints: get to know your neighbours – cell interface surveillance through a molecular zip code.
Publié le 15 Avr 2023 dans Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 150
Ríos-Barrera LD, Mirouse V
Multiple functions of the scaffold protein Discs large 5 in the control of growth, cell polarity and cell adhesion in Drosophila melanogaster.
Publié le 18 Juin 2020 dans BMC developmental biology , vol. 20 - pp 10
Venugopal P , Veyssière H , Couderc JL , Richard G , Vachias C , Mirouse V
Oriented basement membrane fibrils provide a memory for F-actin planar polarization via the Dystrophin-Dystroglycan complex during tissue elongation.
Publié le 08 Avr 2020 dans Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 147
Cerqueira Campos F , Dennis C , Alégot H , Fritsch C , Isabella A, Pouchin P , Bardot O , Horne-Badovinac S, Mirouse V
Sequential Ras/MAPK and PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathways recruitment drives basal extrusion in the prostate-like gland of Drosophila.
Publié le 08 Mai 2020 dans Nature communications , vol. 11 - pp 2300
Rambur A , Lours-Calet C, Beaudoin C , Buñay J, Vialat M , Mirouse V , Trousson A , Renaud Y , Lobaccaro JA, Baron S , Morel L , de Joussineau C
Jak-Stat pathway induces Drosophila follicle elongation by a gradient of apical contractility.
Publié le 08 Fév 2018 dans eLife , vol. 7
Drosophila LKB1 is required for the assembly of the polarized actin structure that allows spermatid individualization.
Publié le 02 Août 2017 dans PloS one , vol. 12 - pp e0182279
PTEN controls junction lengthening and stability during cell rearrangement in epithelial tissue.
Publié le 10 Juin 2013 dans Developmental cell , vol. 25 - pp 534-46
Bardet PL, Guirao B, Paoletti C, Serman F, Léopold V, Bosveld F, Goya Y, Mirouse V , Graner F, Bellaïche Y
ScientiFig: a tool to build publication-ready scientific figures.
Publié le 30 Nov 2013 dans Nature methods , vol. 10 - pp 1048
DroPNet: a web portal for integrated analysis of Drosophila protein-protein interaction networks.
Publié le 30 Juil 2012 dans Nucleic acids research , vol. 40 - pp W134-9
Renaud Y , Baillif A, Perez JB, Agier M, Mephu Nguifo E, Mirouse V
Tissue-specific function of Patj in regulating the Crumbs complex and epithelial polarity.
Publié le 30 Déc 2012 dans Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 139 - pp 4549-54
Pénalva C, Mirouse V
The LKB1/AMPK polarity pathway.
Publié le 06 Avr 2011 dans FEBS letters , vol. 585 - pp 981-5
Mirouse V , Billaud M
Bazooka is required for polarisation of the Drosophila anterior-posterior axis.
Publié le 30 Mai 2010 dans Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 137 - pp 1765-73
Doerflinger H, Vogt N, Torres IL, Mirouse V , Koch I, Nüsslein-Volhard C, St Johnston D
aPKC phosphorylation of Bazooka defines the apical/lateral border in Drosophila epithelial cells.
Publié le 30 Avr 2010 dans Cell , vol. 141 - pp 509-23
Morais-de-Sá E, Mirouse V , St Johnston D