
The Clermont confocal imaging platform (CLIC) is an essential ressource for biology and health researchers in Clermont-Ferrand. The platform CLIC offers several microscopes and  image analysis stations within the Institute of Genetics, Reproduction and Development (iGReD), which is hosted by the University Clermont Auvergne (UCA) and supported by CNRS and INSERM. It is one of 5 platforms in the Microscopy-Imaging cluster of the UCA-Partner university's general service.

The range of biological samples processed is vast and includes bacteria, biofilms, viruses, plants, insects, mammals and specific materials such as polymers. Samples can be analysed in different states - living or fixed, tissues or organs, sections, organoids or cell cultures.


CLIC Presentation video



Capture d’écran, le 2024-04-18 à 15.08.29



Platform staff are responsible for advising, supporting and training users in the autonomous use of the equipment.

The CLIC team organizes meetings to ensure project feasibility, to define experimental conditions (fluorophores, type of set-up, controls) and equipment to be used (autonomy after training or support. These meetings also allow to anticipate image analysis requirements, so that CLIC can define the most appropriate imaging set-ups and analysis method and train the user if needed.

At the beginning of the project, a test session on samples is proposed to determine the best microscope and optimal acquisition conditions.

During the project, follow-up meetings are proposed as user needs may evolve. OMERO, a data management solution, is proposed to users to store their image data, either internally for iGReD users or at the Auvergne Bio-informatique (AuBi) Platform for external users. 


CLIC offers a wide range of microscopes with different acquisition modes to improve speed, sensitivity and spatial or spectral resolution :


  Zeiss LSM 800 AiryScan

Zeiss LSM 980 Airyscan 2 + spectral detection module

  Zeiss Cell Observer Spinning Disk

  Leica TCS SP5 Resonant Scanner

Leica TCS SP8 Lightning Scanner Resonant Navigator

  Leica MMAF

– ZEISS Lightsheet LS7


To complement the use of the microscopes, the platform provides 3 image  analysis stations equipped with a wide range of specialized software (Fiji, Icy, Qupath, Zen… , ARIVIS, 2 IMARIS licenses). 


Access conditions

The CLIC platform is open to iGReD users as well as external users from public and private laboratories.

Access to the platform is subject to a prior meeting. Access is possible in a variety of ways : autonomy after compulsory individual training, partial or full support, collaboration or service.

Hourly rates vary according to the operating mode chosen, the equipment and the user’s home laboratory.

Please mention the platform in the Acknowledgements section :

We wish to thank Clermont Imagerie Confocale (CLIC, GReD, Clermont Auvergne University) for help with confocal microscopy and/or image analysis and processing.

Scientifics Directors

Technical director



2 publications

Three-dimensional imaging of vascular development in the mouse epididymis.

Published on 13 Jun 2023 in eLife , vol. 12

Damon-Soubeyrand C , Bongiovanni A, Chorfa A , Goubely C , Pirot N, Pardanaud L, Piboin-Fragner L, Vachias C , Bravard S , Guiton R , Thomas JL, Saez F , Kocer A , Tardivel M, Drevet JR , Henry-Berger J


Automated 3D bio-imaging analysis of nuclear organization by NucleusJ 2.0.

Published on 30 Dec 2020 in Nucleus (Austin, Tex.) , vol. 11 - pp 315-329

Dubos T , Poulet A , Gonthier-Gueret C, Mougeot G , Vanrobays E , Li Y , Tutois S , Pery E, Chausse F, Probst AV, Tatout C , Desset S

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