Laurence ROSZYK

Praticien Hospitalier Universitaire
HomeLaurence ROSZYK

Praticien Hospitalier Universitaire


20 publications

Thoracic epidural analgesia in intensive care unit patients with acute pancreatitis: the EPIPAN multicenter randomized controlled trial.

Published on 31 May 2023 in Critical care (London, England) , vol. 27 - pp 213

Jabaudon M , Genevrier A, Jaber S, Windisch O, Bulyez S, Laterre PF, Escudier E, Sossou A, Guerci P, Bertrand PM, Danin PE, Bonnassieux M, Bühler L, Heidegger CP, Chabanne R, Godet T, Roszyk L , Sapin V , Futier E , Pereira B, Constantin JM , EPIPAN study group


Design and Rationale of the Sevoflurane for Sedation in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (SESAR) Randomized Controlled Trial.

Published on 16 May 2022 in Journal of clinical medicine , vol. 11

Blondonnet R , Simand LA, Vidal P, Borao L, Bourguignon N, Morand D, Bernard L, Roszyk L , Audard J, Godet T, Monsel A, Garnier M , Quesnel C, Bazin JE, Sapin V , Bastarache JA, Ware LB, Hughes CG, Pandharipande PP, Ely EW, Futier E , Pereira B, Constantin JM , Jabaudon M , On Behalf Of The Sesar Collaborative Group


Changes in Plasma Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products Are Associated with Survival in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

Published on 12 May 2021 in Journal of clinical medicine , vol. 10

Jabaudon M , Pereira B, Laroche E, Roszyk L , Blondonnet R , Audard J, Godet T, Futier E , Bazin JE, Sapin V , Bastarache JA, Ware LB, Constantin JM , On Behalf Of The Live Study Group And The Azurea Network


Fetal fibronectin test for threatened preterm delivery 48h after admission: Cost-effectiveness study.

Published on 01 Mar 2019 in European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology , vol. 234 - pp 75-78

Mourgues C, Rossi A, Favre N, Delabaere A , Roszyk L , Sapin V , Debost-Legrand A, Gallot D

Driving pressure and acute respiratory distress syndrome in critically ill patients.

Published on 02 Mar 2019 in Respirology (Carlton, Vic.) , vol. 24 - pp 137-145

Blondonnet R , Joubert E, Godet T, Berthelin P, Pranal T, Roszyk L , Chabanne R, Eisenmann N, Lautrette A, Belville C , Cayot S, Gillart T, Souweine B, Bouvier D , Blanchon L , Sapin V , Pereira B, Constantin JM , Jabaudon M


Clinical and Biological Predictors of Plasma Levels of Soluble RAGE in Critically Ill Patients: Secondary Analysis of a Prospective Multicenter Observational Study.

Published on 10 May 2018 in Disease markers , vol. 2018 - pp 7849675

Pranal T, Pereira B, Berthelin P, Roszyk L , Godet T, Chabanne R, Eisenmann N, Lautrette A, Belville C , Blondonnet R , Cayot S, Gillart T, Skrzypczak Y, Souweine B, Bouvier D , Blanchon L , Sapin V , Constantin JM , Jabaudon M

Serum soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-products during acute bronchiolitis in infant: Prospective study in 93 cases.

Published on 30 Oct 2018 in Pediatric pulmonology , vol. 53 - pp 1429-1435

Egron C, Roszyk L , Rochette E, Jabaudon M , Sapin V , Mulliez A, Labbé A, Coste K

Receptor for advanced glycation end-products and ARDS prediction: a multicentre observational study.

Published on 08 Feb 2018 in Scientific reports , vol. 8 - pp 2603

Jabaudon M , Berthelin P, Pranal T, Roszyk L , Godet T, Faure JS, Chabanne R, Eisenmann N, Lautrette A, Belville C , Blondonnet R , Cayot S, Gillart T, Pascal J, Skrzypczak Y, Souweine B, Blanchon L , Sapin V , Pereira B, Constantin JM


Sevoflurane for Sedation in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.

Published on 15 Mar 2017 in American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine , vol. 195 - pp 792-800

Jabaudon M , Boucher P, Imhoff E, Chabanne R, Faure JS, Roszyk L , Thibault S, Blondonnet R , Clairefond G , Guérin R, Perbet S , Cayot S, Godet T, Pereira B, Sapin V , Bazin JE, Futier E , Constantin JM

Epidural analgesia in critically ill patients with acute pancreatitis: the multicentre randomised controlled EPIPAN study protocol.

Published on 29 May 2017 in BMJ open , vol. 7 - pp e015280

Bulyez S, Pereira B, Caumon E, Imhoff E, Roszyk L , Bernard L, Bühler L, Heidegger C, Jaber S, Lefrant JY, Chabanne R, Bertrand PM, Laterre PF, Guerci P, Danin PE, Escudier E, Sossou A, Morand D, Sapin V , Constantin JM , Jabaudon M , EPIPAN Study Group, AzuRea network


Net alveolar fluid clearance is associated with lung morphology phenotypes in acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Published on 30 Apr 2016 in Anaesthesia, critical care & pain medicine , vol. 35 - pp 81-6

Jabaudon M , Blondonnet R , Lutz J, Roszyk L , Bouvier D , Guérin R, Perbet S , Cayot S, Godet T, Blanchon L , Bazin JE, Futier E , Sapin V , Constantin JM

Elevated Plasma Levels of sRAGE Are Associated With Nonfocal CT-Based Lung Imaging in Patients With ARDS: A Prospective Multicenter Study.

Published on 30 Nov 2016 in Chest , vol. 150 - pp 998-1007

Mrozek S, Jabaudon M , Jaber S, Paugam-Burtz C, Lefrant JY, Rouby JJ, Asehnoune K, Allaouchiche B, Baldesi O, Leone M, Lu Q, Bazin JE, Roszyk L , Sapin V , Futier E , Pereira B, Constantin JM , Azurea network


Plasma levels of sRAGE, loss of aeration and weaning failure in ICU patients: a prospective observational multicenter study.

Published on 27 May 2013 in PloS one , vol. 8 - pp e64083

Jabaudon M , Perbet S , Pereira B, Soummer A, Roszyk L , Guérin R, Futier E , Lu Q, Bazin JE, Sapin V , Rouby JJ, Constantin JM


[Monoclonal IgM interference with immunoturbidimetric determination of ferritin and transferrin].

Published on 01 Nov 2007 in Annales de biologie clinique , vol. 65 - pp 659-62

Roszyk L , Faye B, Tournilhac O, Fogli A , Sapin V

Laurence ROSZYK

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