SC3 – Single Cell & Cell Culture Facilities

HomePlateformesSC3 – Single Cell & Cell Culture Facilities
The cell culture platform is organized in four rooms BSL2, on two floors. Different cell lines (transformed or stem cells) and tissues (embryos, primary cultures) from different species (mouse, human, drosophila) are grown. Classical transfections are performed (lipofection, electroporation, lentivirus infection) in compliance with GMO legislation (accreditation 6318, April 9, 2013 for St Jacques). The authorization to work on human samples is in progress.

The single cell platform is spread over two floors and includes several state-of-the-art equipments allowing quality control, phenotypic analysis, isolation, and characterization of small numbers of cells or even single cell. This include for example isolation and phenotypic characterisation of rare cells in a dissociated tissue, isolation of single cell for CRISPR experiments, transcriptomic analysis on Chromium (10X genomics) or Rhapsody (BD bioscience) equipements on single cells.


Equipment and expertise :

a) Cell/tissue culture rooms BSL2 (Céline Gonthier Gueret):

  • 8 Cell culture hoods
  • 10 CO2 incubators
  • 4 inverted microscopes (3 equipped with fluorescence and camera)
  • classical material (centrifuge, waterbaths…)

In the future, one of these rooms will be upgraded towards a BSL3.

 b) Single cell/small sample equipment (S. Maupetit, N. Allègre):

This is a virtual facility, using different instruments that are available at the GReD and on the Clermont-Fd campus.

Due to the need of several teams for analyses at the single cell level, we have recently acquired a Chromium (10X genomics) and a Rhapsody (BD Bioscience).

  • 1 FACS Melody (BD Biosciences), that can sort single cells per well
  • 5 ROCHE Light Cyclers (Roche)
  • 1 Rhapsody (BD Bioscience), single Cell and single nuclei mRNA seq
  • 1 Chromium (10X genomics), single cell and single nuclei mRNA seq, ATAC seq
  • 1 TapeStation (Agilent), check the quality of DNA and RNA
  • 1 ATTUNE  Cytometer (Life Technologies)
  • 2 micromanipulators for microinjection (Eppendorf) (shared with Mouse Trangenesis Platform Facility – Cézeaux)


Nicolas & Chromium 10X Genomics
Salle 335.1
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