Marie-Elisa PINSON
Ingénieur d'étudePINSON
Ingénieur d'étude
L1 chimeric transcripts are expressed in healthy brain and their deregulation in glioma follows that of their host locus.
Published on 17 Aug 2022 in Human molecular genetics , vol. 31 - pp 2606-2622
Pinson ME , Court F , Masson A , Renaud Y , Fantini A , Bacoeur-Ouzillou O, Barriere M, Pereira B, Guichet PO, Chautard E, Karayan-Tapon L, Verrelle P, Arnaud P , Vaurs-Barrière C
CLIFinder: identification of LINE-1 chimeric transcripts in RNA-seq data.
Published on 15 Feb 2018 in Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) , vol. 34 - pp 688-690
Pinson ME , Pogorelcnik R , Court F , Arnaud P , Vaurs-Barrière C