Jean-Philippe DA PONTE
A polarized nucleus-cytoskeleton-ECM connection in migrating cardioblasts controls heart tube formation in Drosophila.
Published on 01 Aug 2021 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 148
Dondi C , Bertin B , Da Ponte JP , Wojtowicz I , Jagla K , Junion G
Gelsolin and dCryAB act downstream of muscle identity genes and contribute to preventing muscle splitting and branching in Drosophila.
Published on 23 Jun 2021 in Scientific reports , vol. 11 - pp 13197
Bertin B , Renaud Y , Jagla T , Lavergne G , Dondi C , Da Ponte JP , Junion G , Jagla K
Drosophila adult muscle precursor cells contribute to motor axon pathfinding and proper innervation of embryonic muscles.
Published on 17 Feb 2020 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 147
Lavergne G , Zmojdzian M , Da Ponte JP , Junion G , Jagla K
Distinct subsets of Eve-positive pericardial cells stabilise cardiac outflow and contribute to Hox gene-triggered heart morphogenesis in Drosophila.
Published on 17 Jan 2018 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 145
Muscle niche-driven Insulin-Notch-Myc cascade reactivates dormant Adult Muscle Precursors in Drosophila.
Published on 09 Dec 2015 in eLife , vol. 4
Specification and behavior of AMPs, muscle-committed transient Drosophila stem cells.
Published on 01 Jan 2011 in Fly , vol. 5 - pp 7-9
Figeac N, Jagla T , Aradhya R, Da Ponte JP , Jagla K
Downstream of identity genes: muscle-type-specific regulation of the fusion process.
Published on 17 Aug 2010 in Developmental cell , vol. 19 - pp 317-28
Bataillé L, Delon I, Da Ponte JP , Brown NH, Jagla K
Drosophila adult muscle precursors form a network of interconnected cells and are specified by the rhomboid-triggered EGF pathway.
Published on 30 Jun 2010 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 137 - pp 1965-73
Figeac N, Jagla T , Aradhya R , Da Ponte JP , Jagla K
Cellular components and signals required for the cardiac outflow tract assembly in Drosophila.
Published on 19 Feb 2008 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 105 - pp 2475-80
Genome-wide view of cell fate specification: ladybird acts at multiple levels during diversification of muscle and heart precursors.
Published on 01 Dec 2007 in Genes & development , vol. 21 - pp 3163-80
Junion G , Bataillé L, Jagla T , Da Ponte JP , Tapin R, Jagla K
Mapping Dmef2-binding regulatory modules by using a ChIP-enriched in silico targets approach.
Published on 20 Dec 2005 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 102 - pp 18479-84
Junion G , Jagla T , Duplant S, Tapin R, Da Ponte JP , Jagla K
Coordinated development of muscles and tendons of the Drosophila leg.
Published on 30 Dec 2004 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 131 - pp 6041-51
Soler C , Daczewska M, Da Ponte JP , Dastugue B, Jagla K
Patterning of the cardiac outflow region in Drosophila.
Published on 14 Oct 2003 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 100 - pp 12189-94
Zikova M, Da Ponte JP , Dastugue B, Jagla K
Cross-repressive interactions of identity genes are essential for proper specification of cardiac and muscular fates in Drosophila.
Published on 02 Mar 2002 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 129 - pp 1037-47
Jagla T , Bidet Y, Da Ponte JP , Dastugue B, Jagla K