Krzysztof JAGLA

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HomeKrzysztof JAGLA


80 publications

Diversification of muscle types in Drosophila embryos.

Published on 01 Jan 2022 in Experimental cell research , vol. 410 - pp 112950

Junion G , Jagla K


The relationship between muscle stem cells and motor neurons.

Published on 30 Jun 2021 in Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS , vol. 78 - pp 5043-5049

Zmojdzian M , Jagla K

Zebrafish as a Model for the Study of Lipid-Lowering Drug-Induced Myopathies.

Published on 26 May 2021 in International journal of molecular sciences , vol. 22

Dubińska-Magiera M, Migocka-Patrzałek M, Lewandowski D, Daczewska M, Jagla K


Bruno-3 regulates sarcomere component expression and contributes to muscle phenotypes of myotonic dystrophy type 1.

Published on 21 May 2018 in Disease models & mechanisms , vol. 11

Picchio L, Legagneux V, Deschamps S, Renaud Y , Chauveau S , Paillard L, Jagla K

Drosophila Hsp67Bc hot-spot variants alter muscle structure and function.

Published on 30 Dec 2018 in Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS , vol. 75 - pp 4341-4356

Jabłońska J, Dubińska-Magiera M, Jagla T , Jagla K , Daczewska M

Developmental Expression and Functions of the Small Heat Shock Proteins in Drosophila.

Published on 02 Nov 2018 in International journal of molecular sciences , vol. 19

Jagla T , Dubińska-Magiera M, Poovathumkadavil P , Daczewska M, Jagla K

Distinct subsets of Eve-positive pericardial cells stabilise cardiac outflow and contribute to Hox gene-triggered heart morphogenesis in Drosophila.

Published on 17 Jan 2018 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 145

Zmojdzian M, de Joussineau S, Da Ponte JP, Jagla K

Bruno-3 regulates sarcomere component expression and contributes to muscle phenotypes of myotonic dystrophy type 1.

Published on 21 May 2018 in Disease models & mechanisms , vol. 11

Picchio L, Legagneux V, Deschamps S, Renaud Y , Chauveau S, Paillard L, Jagla K

Drosophila Hsp67Bc hot-spot variants alter muscle structure and function.

Published on 14 Dec 2018 in Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS , vol. 75 - pp 4341-4356

Jabłońska J, Dubińska-Magiera M, Jagla T , Jagla K , Daczewska M

Dissecting Pathogenetic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Strategies in Drosophila Models of Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1.

Published on 18 Dec 2018 in International journal of molecular sciences , vol. 19

Souidi A, Zmojdzian M, Jagla K

Developmental Expression and Functions of the Small Heat Shock Proteins in Drosophila.

Published on 02 Nov 2018 in International journal of molecular sciences , vol. 19

Jagla T , Dubińska-Magiera M, Poovathumkadavil P, Daczewska M, Jagla K


Characterization of Drosophila Muscle Stem Cell-Like Adult Muscle Precursors.

Published on 01 Jan 2017 in Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) , vol. 1556 - pp 103-116

Lavergne G , Soler C , Zmojdzian M , Jagla K

Beyond mice: Emerging and transdisciplinary models for the study of early-onset myopathies.

Published on 30 Apr 2017 in Seminars in cell & developmental biology , vol. 64 - pp 171-180

Jagla K , Kalman B, Boudou T, Hénon S, Batonnet-Pichon S

Beyond mice: Emerging and transdisciplinary models for the study of early-onset myopathies.

Published on 14 Apr 2017 in Seminars in cell & developmental biology , vol. 64 - pp 171-180

Jagla K , Kalman B, Boudou T, Hénon S, Batonnet-Pichon S


Zebrafish: A Model for the Study of Toxicants Affecting Muscle Development and Function.

Published on 19 Nov 2016 in International journal of molecular sciences , vol. 17

Dubińska-Magiera M, Daczewska M, Lewicka A, Migocka-Patrzałek M, Niedbalska-Tarnowska J, Jagla K

Zebrafish: A Model for the Study of Toxicants Affecting Muscle Development and Function.

Published on 19 Nov 2016 in International journal of molecular sciences , vol. 17

Dubińska-Magiera M, Daczewska M, Lewicka A, Migocka-Patrzałek M, Niedbalska-Tarnowska J, Jagla K


Model organisms in the fight against muscular dystrophy: lessons from drosophila and Zebrafish.

Published on 09 Apr 2015 in Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) , vol. 20 - pp 6237-53

Plantié E , Migocka-Patrzałek M, Daczewska M, Jagla K

Drosophila small heat shock protein CryAB ensures structural integrity of developing muscles, and proper muscle and heart performance.

Published on 01 Mar 2015 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 142 - pp 994-1005

Wójtowicz I, Jabłońska J, Zmojdzian M , Taghli-Lamallem O , Renaud Y , Junion G , Daczewska M, Huelsmann S, Jagla K , Jagla T

Drosophila small heat shock protein CryAB ensures structural integrity of developing muscles, and proper muscle and heart performance.

Published on 01 Mar 2015 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 142 - pp 994-1005

Wójtowicz I, Jabłońska J, Zmojdzian M, Taghli-Lamallem O, Renaud Y , Junion G , Daczewska M, Huelsmann S, Jagla K , Jagla T

Muscle niche-driven Insulin-Notch-Myc cascade reactivates dormant Adult Muscle Precursors in Drosophila.

Published on 09 Dec 2015 in eLife , vol. 4

Aradhya R, Zmojdzian M, Da Ponte JP, Jagla K


Mechanical and non-mechanical functions of Dystrophin can prevent cardiac abnormalities in Drosophila.

Published on 30 Jan 2014 in Experimental gerontology , vol. 49 - pp 26-34

Taghli-Lamallem O , Jagla K , Chamberlain JS, Bodmer R

Mechanical and non-mechanical functions of Dystrophin can prevent cardiac abnormalities in Drosophila.

Published on 14 Jan 2014 in Experimental gerontology , vol. 49 - pp 26-34

Taghli-Lamallem O, Jagla K , Chamberlain JS, Bodmer R


Glycolysis supports embryonic muscle growth by promoting myoblast fusion.

Published on 19 Nov 2013 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 110 - pp 18982-7

Tixier V , Bataillé L, Etard C, Jagla T , Weger M, Daponte JP, Strähle U, Dickmeis T, Jagla K

Novel Drosophila model of myotonic dystrophy type 1: phenotypic characterization and genome-wide view of altered gene expression.

Published on 15 Jul 2013 in Human molecular genetics , vol. 22 - pp 2795-810

Picchio L, Plantie E , Renaud Y , Poovthumkadavil P, Jagla K

Tailup plays multiple roles during cardiac outflow assembly in Drosophila.

Published on 30 Nov 2013 in Cell and tissue research , vol. 354 - pp 639-45

Zmojdzian M , Jagla K

Tailup plays multiple roles during cardiac outflow assembly in Drosophila.

Published on 14 Nov 2013 in Cell and tissue research , vol. 354 - pp 639-45

Zmojdzian M, Jagla K

Glycolysis supports embryonic muscle growth by promoting myoblast fusion.

Published on 19 Nov 2013 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 110 - pp 18982-7

Tixier V, Bataillé L, Etard C, Jagla T , Weger M, Daponte JP, Strähle U, Dickmeis T, Jagla K


ChIP-enriched in silico targets (ChEST), a ChIP-on-chip approach applied to analyzing skeletal muscle genes.

Published on 01 Jan 2012 in Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) , vol. 798 - pp 543-53

Junion G , Jagla K

Diversification of muscle types in Drosophila: upstream and downstream of identity genes.

Published on 01 Jan 2012 in Current topics in developmental biology , vol. 98 - pp 277-301

de Joussineau C , Bataillé L, Jagla T , Jagla K


ChIP-enriched in silico targets (ChEST), a ChIP-on-chip approach applied to analyzing skeletal muscle genes.

Published on 07 Oct 2011 in Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) , vol. 798 - pp 543-53

Junion G , Jagla K


Muscle development and regeneration in normal and pathological conditions: learning from Drosophila.

Published on 01 Jan 2010 in Current pharmaceutical design , vol. 16 - pp 929-41

Daczewska M, Picchio L, Jagla T , Figeac N, Jagla K

Diversification of muscle types: recent insights from Drosophila.

Published on 01 Nov 2010 in Experimental cell research , vol. 316 - pp 3019-27

Tixier V , Bataillé L, Jagla K

Downstream of identity genes: muscle-type-specific regulation of the fusion process.

Published on 17 Aug 2010 in Developmental cell , vol. 19 - pp 317-28

Bataillé L, Delon I, Da Ponte JP , Brown NH, Jagla K

Regulation and functions of the lms homeobox gene during development of embryonic lateral transverse muscles and direct flight muscles in Drosophila.

Published on 15 Dec 2010 in PloS one , vol. 5 - pp e14323

Müller D, Jagla T , Bodart LM, Jährling N, Dodt HU, Jagla K , Frasch M

Regulation and functions of the lms homeobox gene during development of embryonic lateral transverse muscles and direct flight muscles in Drosophila.

Published on 15 Dec 2010 in PloS one , vol. 5 - pp e14323

Müller D, Jagla T , Bodart LM, Jährling N, Dodt HU, Jagla K , Frasch M

Drosophila adult muscle precursors form a network of interconnected cells and are specified by the rhomboid-triggered EGF pathway.

Published on 14 Jun 2010 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 137 - pp 1965-73

Figeac N, Jagla T , Aradhya R, Da Ponte JP, Jagla K

Downstream of identity genes: muscle-type-specific regulation of the fusion process.

Published on 17 Aug 2010 in Developmental cell , vol. 19 - pp 317-28

Bataillé L, Delon I, Da Ponte JP, Brown NH, Jagla K

Diversification of muscle types: recent insights from Drosophila.

Published on 01 Nov 2010 in Experimental cell research , vol. 316 - pp 3019-27

Tixier V, Bataillé L, Jagla K


Neprilysin 4, a novel endopeptidase from Drosophila melanogaster, displays distinct substrate specificities and exceptional solubility states.

Published on 30 Nov 2009 in The Journal of experimental biology , vol. 212 - pp 3673-83

Meyer H, Panz M, Zmojdzian M , Jagla K , Paululat A

Neprilysin 4, a novel endopeptidase from Drosophila melanogaster, displays distinct substrate specificities and exceptional solubility states.

Published on 14 Nov 2009 in The Journal of experimental biology , vol. 212 - pp 3673-83

Meyer H, Panz M, Zmojdzian M, Jagla K , Paululat A


Genetic control of cell morphogenesis during Drosophila melanogaster cardiac tube formation.

Published on 28 Jul 2008 in The Journal of cell biology , vol. 182 - pp 249-61

Medioni C, Astier M, Zmojdzian M , Jagla K , Sémériva M

Cellular components and signals required for the cardiac outflow tract assembly in Drosophila.

Published on 19 Feb 2008 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 105 - pp 2475-80

Zmojdzian M , Da Ponte JP , Jagla K

Cellular components and signals required for the cardiac outflow tract assembly in Drosophila.

Published on 19 Feb 2008 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 105 - pp 2475-80

Zmojdzian M, Da Ponte JP, Jagla K

Genetic control of cell morphogenesis during Drosophila melanogaster cardiac tube formation.

Published on 28 Jul 2008 in The Journal of cell biology , vol. 182 - pp 249-61

Medioni C, Astier M, Zmojdzian M, Jagla K , Sémériva M


Muscle stem cells and model systems for their investigation.

Published on 30 Dec 2007 in Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists , vol. 236 - pp 3332-42

Figeac N, Daczewska M, Marcelle C, Jagla K


Shaping leg muscles in Drosophila: role of ladybird, a conserved regulator of appendicular myogenesis.

Published on 27 Dec 2006 in PloS one , vol. 1 - pp e122

Maqbool T, Soler C , Jagla T , Daczewska M, Lodha N, Palliyil S, VijayRaghavan K, Jagla K

Hedgehog and RAS pathways cooperate in the anterior-posterior specification and positioning of cardiac progenitor cells.

Published on 15 Feb 2006 in Developmental biology , vol. 290 - pp 373-85

Liu J, Qian L, Wessells RJ, Bidet Y, Jagla K , Bodmer R


Mapping Dmef2-binding regulatory modules by using a ChIP-enriched in silico targets approach.

Published on 20 Dec 2005 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 102 - pp 18479-84

Junion G , Jagla T , Duplant S, Tapin R, Da Ponte JP , Jagla K


Coordinated development of muscles and tendons of the Drosophila leg.

Published on 30 Dec 2004 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 131 - pp 6041-51

Soler C , Daczewska M, Da Ponte JP , Dastugue B, Jagla K

The ladybird homeobox genes are essential for the specification of a subpopulation of neural cells.

Published on 01 Jun 2004 in Developmental biology , vol. 270 - pp 122-34

De Graeve F, Jagla T , Daponte JP, Rickert C, Dastugue B, Urban J, Jagla K


Patterning of the cardiac outflow region in Drosophila.

Published on 14 Oct 2003 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 100 - pp 12189-94

Zikova M, Da Ponte JP , Dastugue B, Jagla K


Cross-repressive interactions of identity genes are essential for proper specification of cardiac and muscular fates in Drosophila.

Published on 02 Mar 2002 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 129 - pp 1037-47

Jagla T , Bidet Y, Da Ponte JP , Dastugue B, Jagla K


A cluster of Drosophila homeobox genes involved in mesoderm differentiation programs.

Published on 02 Mar 2001 in BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology , vol. 23 - pp 125-33

Jagla K , Bellard M, Frasch M


Evolutionary origins of vertebrate appendicular muscle.

Published on 02 Nov 2000 in Nature , vol. 408 - pp 82-6

Neyt C, Jagla K , Thisse C, Thisse B, Haines L, Currie PD

The role of Lbx1 in migration of muscle precursor cells.

Published on 30 Jan 2000 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 127 - pp 437-45

Brohmann H, Jagla K , Birchmeier C

Lbx1 is required for muscle precursor migration along a lateral pathway into the limb.

Published on 30 Jan 2000 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 127 - pp 413-24

Gross MK, Moran-Rivard L, Velasquez T, Nakatsu MN, Jagla K , Goulding M

Genetic control of muscle development: learning from Drosophila.

in Journal of muscle research and cell motility , vol. 28 - pp 397-407

Maqbool T, Jagla K

Characterization of Drosophila Muscle Stem Cell-Like Adult Muscle Precursors.

in Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) , vol. 1556 - pp 103-116

Lavergne G, Soler C , Zmojdzian M, Jagla K

Muscle development and regeneration in normal and pathological conditions: learning from Drosophila.

in Current pharmaceutical design , vol. 16 - pp 929-41

Daczewska M, Picchio L, Jagla T , Figeac N, Jagla K

Diversification of muscle types in Drosophila: upstream and downstream of identity genes.

in Current topics in developmental biology , vol. 98 - pp 277-301

de Joussineau C , Bataillé L, Jagla T , Jagla K

Krzysztof JAGLA

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