Teresa JAGLA

Ingénieur de Recherche
HomeTeresa JAGLA


Aim of my projects is to performed functional studies to undestand patogenicity of RyR variants
by identyfication cellural pathways who is responsible for this process.
This project is directly related to the activity of the platform Fly Facility.


The goal of my  project is a generation of Drosophila models (via CRISPR genome editing methods) rare genetic variants identified in patients with so far undiagnosed neuromuscular diseases. Our collaborators from rare disease references centers in Grenoble and Lyon had selected several variants of RYR1 encoding Ryanodine receptor and also DAG 1 encoding dystroglycan. During the project we have generated three different stable mutant lines in the RYR1 gene . The first variant pMet4881>IIE variant is located in the region forming the calcium pore of RYR1. Second variant IIE3345>F is located in the region responsible for regulating the flow of calcium units. During the Polonium program, we characterized successfully the phenotypes of these mutants. Two main axes have been chosen. The first is morphological with the characterization of the muscular structure , by different imaging techniques (confocal microscopy and electron microscopy ). The second is functional with the study of larval and adult locomotion (flight and walking). Selected techniques allowed us to confirm variant pathogenesis.The third mutation is the positive control. The Arg R614 >Cys mutation is clearly defined as pathogenic in the patientThe line has been generated and we are starting to perform functional tests on it. We just started functional analyzing of these lines . It was also carried out the planning two new undiagnosed variants preselection by geneticists from Grenoble which will also be implemented in cooperation with the Polish laboratory.



29 publications

Diversification of muscle types in Drosophila embryos.

Published on 01 Jan 2022 in Experimental cell research , vol. 410 - pp 112950

Junion G , Jagla K


Straightjacket/α2δ3 deregulation is associated with cardiac conduction defects in myotonic dystrophy type 1.

Published on 12 Dec 2019 in eLife , vol. 8

Auxerre-Plantié E, Nakamori M, Renaud Y , Huguet A, Choquet C, Dondi C , Miquerol L, Takahashi MP, Gourdon G, Junion G , Jagla T , Zmojdzian M , Jagla K


Drosophila Hsp67Bc hot-spot variants alter muscle structure and function.

Published on 30 Dec 2018 in Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS , vol. 75 - pp 4341-4356

Jabłońska J, Dubińska-Magiera M, Jagla T , Jagla K , Daczewska M

Developmental Expression and Functions of the Small Heat Shock Proteins in Drosophila.

Published on 02 Nov 2018 in International journal of molecular sciences , vol. 19

Jagla T , Dubińska-Magiera M, Poovathumkadavil P , Daczewska M, Jagla K

Drosophila Hsp67Bc hot-spot variants alter muscle structure and function.

Published on 14 Dec 2018 in Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS , vol. 75 - pp 4341-4356

Jabłońska J, Dubińska-Magiera M, Jagla T , Jagla K , Daczewska M

Developmental Expression and Functions of the Small Heat Shock Proteins in Drosophila.

Published on 02 Nov 2018 in International journal of molecular sciences , vol. 19

Jagla T , Dubińska-Magiera M, Poovathumkadavil P, Daczewska M, Jagla K


Drosophila small heat shock protein CryAB ensures structural integrity of developing muscles, and proper muscle and heart performance.

Published on 01 Mar 2015 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 142 - pp 994-1005

Wójtowicz I, Jabłońska J, Zmojdzian M , Taghli-Lamallem O , Renaud Y , Junion G , Daczewska M, Huelsmann S, Jagla K , Jagla T

Drosophila small heat shock protein CryAB ensures structural integrity of developing muscles, and proper muscle and heart performance.

Published on 01 Mar 2015 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 142 - pp 994-1005

Wójtowicz I, Jabłońska J, Zmojdzian M, Taghli-Lamallem O, Renaud Y , Junion G , Daczewska M, Huelsmann S, Jagla K , Jagla T


Contribution of small heat shock proteins to muscle development and function.

Published on 14 Feb 2014 in FEBS letters , vol. 588 - pp 517-30

Dubińska-Magiera M, Jabłońska J, Saczko J, Kulbacka J, Jagla T , Daczewska M


Glycolysis supports embryonic muscle growth by promoting myoblast fusion.

Published on 19 Nov 2013 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 110 - pp 18982-7

Tixier V , Bataillé L, Etard C, Jagla T , Weger M, Daponte JP, Strähle U, Dickmeis T, Jagla K

Glycolysis supports embryonic muscle growth by promoting myoblast fusion.

Published on 19 Nov 2013 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 110 - pp 18982-7

Tixier V, Bataillé L, Etard C, Jagla T , Weger M, Daponte JP, Strähle U, Dickmeis T, Jagla K


Diversification of muscle types in Drosophila: upstream and downstream of identity genes.

Published on 01 Jan 2012 in Current topics in developmental biology , vol. 98 - pp 277-301

de Joussineau C , Bataillé L, Jagla T , Jagla K


Muscle development and regeneration in normal and pathological conditions: learning from Drosophila.

Published on 01 Jan 2010 in Current pharmaceutical design , vol. 16 - pp 929-41

Daczewska M, Picchio L, Jagla T , Figeac N, Jagla K

Regulation and functions of the lms homeobox gene during development of embryonic lateral transverse muscles and direct flight muscles in Drosophila.

Published on 15 Dec 2010 in PloS one , vol. 5 - pp e14323

Müller D, Jagla T , Bodart LM, Jährling N, Dodt HU, Jagla K , Frasch M

Regulation and functions of the lms homeobox gene during development of embryonic lateral transverse muscles and direct flight muscles in Drosophila.

Published on 15 Dec 2010 in PloS one , vol. 5 - pp e14323

Müller D, Jagla T , Bodart LM, Jährling N, Dodt HU, Jagla K , Frasch M

Drosophila adult muscle precursors form a network of interconnected cells and are specified by the rhomboid-triggered EGF pathway.

Published on 14 Jun 2010 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 137 - pp 1965-73

Figeac N, Jagla T , Aradhya R, Da Ponte JP, Jagla K


Pax-3 and Pax-7 label muscle progenitor cells during myotomal myogenesis in Coregonus lavaretus (Teleostei: Coregonidae).

Published on 30 Nov 2009 in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia , vol. 38 - pp 411-8

Kacperczyk A, Jagla T , Daczewska M


Shaping leg muscles in Drosophila: role of ladybird, a conserved regulator of appendicular myogenesis.

Published on 27 Dec 2006 in PloS one , vol. 1 - pp e122

Maqbool T*, Soler C* , Jagla T , Daczewska M, Lodha N, Palliyil S, VijayRaghavan K, Jagla K , *co-authors


Mapping Dmef2-binding regulatory modules by using a ChIP-enriched in silico targets approach.

Published on 20 Dec 2005 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 102 - pp 18479-84

Junion G , Jagla T , Duplant S, Tapin R, Da Ponte JP , Jagla K


The ladybird homeobox genes are essential for the specification of a subpopulation of neural cells.

Published on 01 Jun 2004 in Developmental biology , vol. 270 - pp 122-34

De Graeve F, Jagla T , Daponte JP, Rickert C, Dastugue B, Urban J, Jagla K


Cross-repressive interactions of identity genes are essential for proper specification of cardiac and muscular fates in Drosophila.

Published on 02 Mar 2002 in Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 129 - pp 1037-47

Jagla T , Bidet Y, Da Ponte JP , Dastugue B, Jagla K

Muscle development and regeneration in normal and pathological conditions: learning from Drosophila.

in Current pharmaceutical design , vol. 16 - pp 929-41

Daczewska M, Picchio L, Jagla T , Figeac N, Jagla K

Diversification of muscle types in Drosophila: upstream and downstream of identity genes.

in Current topics in developmental biology , vol. 98 - pp 277-301

de Joussineau C , Bataillé L, Jagla T , Jagla K

Teresa JAGLA

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