Philippe ARNAUD

Chef d'équipe
AccueilPhilippe ARNAUD


Depuis 2012: Responsable d’équipe au GReD –Directeur de Recherche CNRS

Thème : Régulation épigénétique du destin cellulaire.

2004-2011 Chargé de recherche CNRS- IGMM-UMR5535-Montpellier

Thème : Rôle des modifications d'histones dans le contrôle de l'empreinte parentale.

2000- 2003     Stage Post-Doctoral – Babraham Institute / University of Cambridge - 

Thème : Contrôle epigénétique de l'empreinte parentale

1996-2000     Doctorat - Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand-

Thème : Contrôle epignétique des rétroposons SINEs S1 chez  la plante supérieure Brassica Napus .


53 publications

Biallelic non-productive enhancer-promoter interactions precede imprinted expression of Kcnk9 during mouse neural commitment.

Publié le 30 Jan 2024 dans HGG advances , vol. 5 - pp 100271

Rengifo Rojas C , Cercy J , Perillous S , Gonthier-Guéret C, Montibus B , Maupetit-Méhouas S, Espinadel A , Dupré M , Hong CC, Hata K, Nakabayashi K, Plagge A, Bouschet T, Arnaud P , Vaillant I , Court F


L1 chimeric transcripts are expressed in healthy brain and their deregulation in glioma follows that of their host locus.

Publié le 17 Août 2022 dans Human molecular genetics , vol. 31 - pp 2606-2622

Pinson ME , Court F , Masson A , Renaud Y , Fantini A , Bacoeur-Ouzillou O, Barriere M, Pereira B, Guichet PO, Chautard E, Karayan-Tapon L, Verrelle P, Arnaud P , Vaurs-Barrière C

The Long Non-Coding RNA HOXA-AS2 Promotes Proliferation of Glioma Stem Cells and Modulates Their Inflammation Pathway Mainly through Post-Transcriptional Regulation.

Publié le 25 Avr 2022 dans International journal of molecular sciences , vol. 23

Le Boiteux E , Guichet PO, Masliantsev K, Montibus B , Vaurs-Barriere C, Gonthier-Gueret C, Chautard E, Verrelle P, Karayan-Tapon L, Fogli A , Court F , Arnaud P

Variable allelic expression of imprinted genes at the Peg13, Trappc9, Ago2 cluster in single neural cells.

Publié le 12 Oct 2022 dans Frontiers in cell and developmental biology , vol. 10 - pp 1022422

Claxton M, Pulix M, Seah MKY, Bernardo R, Zhou P, Aljuraysi S, Liloglou T, Arnaud P , Kelsey G, Messerschmidt DM, Plagge A


Widespread overexpression from the four DNA hypermethylated HOX clusters in aggressive (IDHwt) glioma is associated with H3K27me3 depletion and alternative promoter usage.

Publié le 30 Août 2021 dans Molecular oncology , vol. 15 - pp 1995-2010

Le Boiteux E , Court F , Guichet PO, Vaurs-Barrière C , Vaillant I , Chautard E, Verrelle P, Costa BM, Karayan-Tapon L, Fogli A , Arnaud P


TET3 controls the expression of the H3K27me3 demethylase Kdm6b during neural commitment.

Publié le 30 Jan 2021 dans Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS , vol. 78 - pp 757-768

Montibus B , Cercy J , Bouschet T, Charras A, Maupetit-Méhouas S , Nury D , Gonthier-Guéret C, Chauveau S , Allegre N , Chariau C, Hong CC, Vaillant I , Marques CJ, Court F , Arnaud P


HOX gene cluster (de)regulation in brain: from neurodevelopment to malignant glial tumours.

Publié le 30 Oct 2020 dans Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS , vol. 77 - pp 3797-3821

Gonçalves CS, Le Boiteux E , Arnaud P , Costa BM


Transcriptional alterations in glioma result primarily from DNA methylation-independent mechanisms.

Publié le 30 Oct 2019 dans Genome research , vol. 29 - pp 1605-1621

Court F , Le Boiteux E , Fogli A , Müller-Barthélémy M, Vaurs-Barrière C , Chautard E, Pereira B, Biau J, Kemeny JL, Khalil T, Karayan-Tapon L, Verrelle P, Arnaud P


CLIFinder: identification of LINE-1 chimeric transcripts in RNA-seq data.

Publié le 15 Fév 2018 dans Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) , vol. 34 - pp 688-690

Pinson ME , Pogorelcnik R , Court F , Arnaud P , Vaurs-Barrière C

The long non-coding RNA HOTAIR is transcriptionally activated by HOXA9 and is an independent prognostic marker in patients with malignant glioma.

Publié le 20 Mar 2018 dans Oncotarget , vol. 9 - pp 15740-15756

Xavier-Magalhães A, Gonçalves CS, Fogli A , Lourenço T, Pojo M, Pereira B, Rocha M, Lopes MC, Crespo I, Rebelo O, Tão H, Lima J, Moreira R, Pinto AA, Jones C, Reis RM, Costello JF, Arnaud P , Sousa N, Costa BM

DNA methylation profiling reveals a pathological signature that contributes to transcriptional defects of CD34(+) CD15(-) cells in early chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia.

Publié le 30 Juin 2018 dans Molecular oncology , vol. 12 - pp 814-829

Maupetit-Mehouas S , Court F , Bourgne C, Guerci-Bresler A, Cony-Makhoul P, Johnson H, Etienne G, Rousselot P, Guyotat D, Janel A, Hermet E, Saugues S, Berger J, Arnaud P , Berger MG


In Vitro Corticogenesis from Embryonic Stem Cells Recapitulates the In Vivo Epigenetic Control of Imprinted Gene Expression.

Publié le 01 Mar 2017 dans Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) , vol. 27 - pp 2418-2433

Bouschet T, Dubois E, Reynès C, Kota SK, Rialle S, Maupetit-Méhouas S , Pezet M, Le Digarcher A, Nidelet S, Demolombe V, Cavelier P, Meusnier C, Maurizy C, Sabatier R, Feil R, Arnaud P , Journot L, Varrault A

Detection of the alternative lengthening of telomeres pathway in malignant gliomas for improved molecular diagnosis.

Publié le 30 Nov 2017 dans Journal of neuro-oncology , vol. 135 - pp 381-390

Fogli A , Demattei MV, Corset L, Vaurs-Barrière C , Chautard E, Biau J, Kémény JL, Godfraind C, Pereira B, Khalil T, Grandin N , Arnaud P , Charbonneau M , Verrelle P


Imprinting control regions (ICRs) are marked by mono-allelic bivalent chromatin when transcriptionally inactive.

Publié le 29 Jan 2016 dans Nucleic acids research , vol. 44 - pp 621-35

Maupetit-Méhouas S , Montibus B , Nury D , Tayama C, Wassef M, Kota SK, Fogli A , Cerqueira Campos F , Hata K, Feil R, Margueron R, Nakabayashi K, Court F , Arnaud P

The tumoral A genotype of the MGMT rs34180180 single-nucleotide polymorphism in aggressive gliomas is associated with shorter patients’ survival.

Publié le 01 Mar 2016 dans Carcinogenesis , vol. 37 - pp 169-176

Fogli A , Chautard E, Vaurs-Barrière C , Pereira B, Müller-Barthélémy M, Court F , Biau J, Pinto AA, Kémény JL, Khalil T, Karayan-Tapon L, Verrelle P, Costa BM, Arnaud P


Deep sequencing and de novo assembly of the mouse oocyte transcriptome define the contribution of transcription to the DNA methylation landscape.

Publié le 25 Sep 2015 dans Genome biology , vol. 16 - pp 209

Veselovska L, Smallwood SA, Saadeh H, Stewart KR, Krueger F, Maupetit-Méhouas S , Arnaud P , Tomizawa S, Andrews S, Kelsey G


ICR noncoding RNA expression controls imprinting and DNA replication at the Dlk1-Dio3 domain.

Publié le 13 Oct 2014 dans Developmental cell , vol. 31 - pp 19-33

Kota SK, Llères D, Bouschet T, Hirasawa R, Marchand A, Begon-Pescia C, Sanli I, Arnaud P , Journot L, Girardot M, Feil R


Characterization of novel paternal ncRNAs at the Plagl1 locus, including Hymai, predicted to interact with regulators of active chromatin.

Publié le 01 Jan 2012 dans PloS one , vol. 7 - pp e38907

Iglesias-Platas I, Martin-Trujillo A, Cirillo D, Court F , Guillaumet-Adkins A, Camprubi C, Bourc'his D, Hata K, Feil R, Tartaglia G, Arnaud P , Monk D

Transcription and histone methylation changes correlate with imprint acquisition in male germ cells.

Publié le 01 Fév 2012 dans The EMBO journal , vol. 31 - pp 606-15

Henckel A, Chebli K, Kota SK, Arnaud P , Feil R

Characterization of novel paternal ncRNAs at the Plagl1 locus, including Hymai, predicted to interact with regulators of active chromatin.

Publié le 19 Juin 2012 dans PloS one , vol. 7 - pp e38907

Iglesias-Platas I, Martin-Trujillo A, Cirillo D, Court F , Guillaumet-Adkins A, Camprubi C, Bourc'his D, Hata K, Feil R, Tartaglia G, Arnaud P , Monk D


Human imprinted retrogenes exhibit non-canonical imprint chromatin signatures and reside in non-imprinted host genes.

Publié le 30 Juin 2011 dans Nucleic acids research , vol. 39 - pp 4577-86

Monk D, Arnaud P , Frost JM, Wood AJ, Cowley M, Martin-Trujillo A, Guillaumet-Adkins A, Iglesias Platas I, Camprubi C, Bourc'his D, Feil R, Moore GE, Oakey RJ

Synergic reprogramming of mammalian cells by combined exposure to mitotic Xenopus egg extracts and transcription factors.

Publié le 18 Oct 2011 dans Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 108 - pp 17331-6

Ganier O, Bocquet S, Peiffer I, Brochard V, Arnaud P , Puy A, Jouneau A, Feil R, Renard JP, Méchali M


Genomic imprinting in germ cells: imprints are under control.

Publié le 30 Sep 2010 dans Reproduction (Cambridge, England) , vol. 140 - pp 411-23

Arnaud P

Genome-wide identification of new imprinted genes.

Publié le 30 Juil 2010 dans Briefings in functional genomics , vol. 9 - pp 304-14

Henckel A, Arnaud P

Ring1B and Suv39h1 delineate distinct chromatin states at bivalent genes during early mouse lineage commitment.

Publié le 01 Août 2010 dans Development (Cambridge, England) , vol. 137 - pp 2483-92

Alder O, Lavial F, Helness A, Brookes E, Pinho S, Chandrashekran A, Arnaud P , Pombo A, O'Neill L, Azuara V


Reciprocal imprinting of human GRB10 in placental trophoblast and brain: evolutionary conservation of reversed allelic expression.

Publié le 15 Août 2009 dans Human molecular genetics , vol. 18 - pp 3066-74

Monk D, Arnaud P , Frost J, Hills FA, Stanier P, Feil R, Moore GE

Histone methylation is mechanistically linked to DNA methylation at imprinting control regions in mammals.

Publié le 15 Sep 2009 dans Human molecular genetics , vol. 18 - pp 3375-83

Henckel A, Nakabayashi K, Sanz LA, Feil R, Hata K, Arnaud P


Comparative analysis of human chromosome 7q21 and mouse proximal chromosome 6 reveals a placental-specific imprinted gene, TFPI2/Tfpi2, which requires EHMT2 and EED for allelic-silencing.

Publié le 30 Août 2008 dans Genome research , vol. 18 - pp 1270-81

Monk D, Wagschal A, Arnaud P , Müller PS, Parker-Katiraee L, Bourc'his D, Scherer SW, Feil R, Stanier P, Moore GE

A mono-allelic bivalent chromatin domain controls tissue-specific imprinting at Grb10.

Publié le 08 Oct 2008 dans The EMBO journal , vol. 27 - pp 2523-32

Sanz LA, Chamberlain S, Sabourin JC, Henckel A, Magnuson T, Hugnot JP, Feil R, Arnaud P


Identification of the imprinted KLF14 transcription factor undergoing human-specific accelerated evolution.

Publié le 04 Mai 2007 dans PLoS genetics , vol. 3 - pp e65

Parker-Katiraee L, Carson AR, Yamada T, Arnaud P , Feil R, Abu-Amero SN, Moore GE, Kaneda M, Perry GH, Stone AC, Lee C, Meguro-Horike M, Sasaki H, Kobayashi K, Nakabayashi K, Scherer SW

Early mouse embryo development: could epigenetics influence cell fate determination?

Publié le 30 Juin 2007 dans BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology , vol. 29 - pp 520-4

Henckel A, Tóth S, Arnaud P

Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) on Unfixed Chromatin from Cells and Tissues to Analyze Histone Modifications.

Publié le 01 Juin 2007 dans CSH protocols , vol. 2007 - pp pdb.prot4767

Wagschal A, Delaval K, Pannetier M, Arnaud P , Feil R

PCR-Based Analysis of Immunoprecipitated Chromatin.

Publié le 01 Juin 2007 dans CSH protocols , vol. 2007 - pp pdb.prot4768

Wagschal A, Delaval K, Pannetier M, Arnaud P , Feil R


Stochastic imprinting in the progeny of Dnmt3L-/- females.

Publié le 15 Fév 2006 dans Human molecular genetics , vol. 15 - pp 589-98

Arnaud P , Hata K, Kaneda M, Li E, Sasaki H, Feil R, Kelsey G

Imprinting of IGF2 P0 transcript and novel alternatively spliced INS-IGF2 isoforms show differences between mouse and human.

Publié le 15 Avr 2006 dans Human molecular genetics , vol. 15 - pp 1259-69

Monk D, Sanches R, Arnaud P , Apostolidou S, Hills FA, Abu-Amero S, Murrell A, Friess H, Reik W, Stanier P, Constância M, Moore GE

Limited evolutionary conservation of imprinting in the human placenta.

Publié le 25 Avr 2006 dans Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 103 - pp 6623-8

Monk D, Arnaud P , Apostolidou S, Hills FA, Kelsey G, Stanier P, Feil R, Moore GE

MEDEA takes control of its own imprinting.

Publié le 10 Fév 2006 dans Cell , vol. 124 - pp 468-70

Arnaud P , Feil R


Epigenetic deregulation of genomic imprinting in human disorders and following assisted reproduction.

Publié le 30 Juin 2005 dans Birth defects research. Part C, Embryo today : reviews , vol. 75 - pp 81-97

Arnaud P , Feil R


Identification and properties of imprinted genes and their control elements.

Publié le 01 Jan 2004 dans Cytogenetic and genome research , vol. 105 - pp 335-45

Smith RJ, Arnaud P , Kelsey G

Identification and properties of imprinted genes and their control elements.

Publié le 14 Juil 2004 dans Cytogenetic and genome research , vol. 105 - pp 335-45

Smith RJ, Arnaud P, Kelsey G


Conserved methylation imprints in the human and mouse GRB10 genes with divergent allelic expression suggests differential reading of the same mark.

Publié le 01 Mai 2003 dans Human molecular genetics , vol. 12 - pp 1005-19

Arnaud P , Monk D, Hitchins M, Gordon E, Dean W, Beechey CV, Peters J, Craigen W, Preece M, Stanier P, Moore GE, Kelsey G

Epigenetic properties and identification of an imprint mark in the Nesp-Gnasxl domain of the mouse Gnas imprinted locus.

Publié le 30 Août 2003 dans Molecular and cellular biology , vol. 23 - pp 5475-88

Coombes C, Arnaud P , Gordon E, Dean W, Coar EA, Williamson CM, Feil R, Peters J, Kelsey G

Imprinted methylation profiles for proximal mouse chromosomes 11 and 7 as revealed by methylation-sensitive representational difference analysis.

Publié le 30 Déc 2003 dans Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society , vol. 14 - pp 805-16

Monk D, Smith R, Arnaud P , Preece MA, Stanier P, Beechey CV, Peters J, Kelsey G, Moore GE


The mouse Zac1 locus: basis for imprinting and comparison with human ZAC.

Publié le 12 Juin 2002 dans Gene , vol. 292 - pp 101-12

Smith RJ, Arnaud P , Konfortova G, Dean WL, Beechey CV, Kelsey G


Analysis of the SINE S1 Pol III promoter from Brassica; impact of methylation and influence of external sequences.

Publié le 30 Mai 2001 dans The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology , vol. 26 - pp 295-305

Arnaud P , Yukawa Y, Lavie L, Pélissier T , Sugiura M, Deragon JM


SINE retroposons can be used in vivo as nucleation centers for de novo methylation.

Publié le 30 Mai 2000 dans Molecular and cellular biology , vol. 20 - pp 3434-41

Arnaud P , Goubely C , Pélissier T , Deragon JM


Plant S1 SINEs as a model to study retroposition.

Publié le 01 Jan 1997 dans Genetica , vol. 100 - pp 155-60

Gilbert N, Arnaud P , Lenoir A , Warwick SI, Picard G, Deragon JM

Plant S1 SINEs as a model to study retroposition.

Publié le 17 Mar 1997 dans Genetica , vol. 100 - pp 155-60

Gilbert N, Arnaud P, Lenoir A , Warwick SI, Picard G, Deragon JM


A transcriptional analysis of the S1Bn (Brassica napus) family of SINE retroposons.

Publié le 30 Déc 1996 dans Plant molecular biology , vol. 32 - pp 869-78

Deragon JM, Gilbert N, Rouquet L, Lenoir A , Arnaud P , Picard G

Improved thermostability of the North American firefly luciferase: saturation mutagenesis at position 354.

Publié le 15 Oct 1996 dans The Biochemical journal , vol. 319 ( Pt 2) - pp 343-50

White PJ, Squirrell DJ, Arnaud P , Lowe CR, Murray JA

Philippe ARNAUD

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