Chef d'équipe
Chef d'équipe
During my PhD my work was focused on the role of the nuclear receptors of oxysterols, the Liver X Receptors (LXRalpha and LXRbeta) in steroidogenic tissues. We demonstrate key roles of LXRs in the physiology ofintestine, adrenals, ovaries and testis.
I have identified the nuclear receptor Small Heterodimer partner (SHP, NR0B2) as a main regulator of testicular androgen and retinoic acid metabolisms, making SHP a testicular gatekeeper of the timing of male sexual maturation (post-doc in Pr Auwerx's laboratory)
Then I have been recruited as INSERM researcher in 2007. I have then worked on the impact of Endocrine Disrupters (EDs) in order to understand how in utero and/or neonatal exposure could alter adult testicular physiology. Our data established SHP as a crucial mediator of the deleterious effect of estrogenic EDs, such as diethylstilbestrol, on testicular physiology. These effects seem to be driven through the regulation of the histone methyltransferase EHMT.
Since 2010, we are now developing an innovative thematic research to identify the molecular mechanisms underlying the links between liver disease (PH) and impaired male fertility. Our studies are mainly focused in understanding the role of the bile acid receptors FXRalpha and TGR5 in context of PH which aree characterized bile increased plasma levels of bile acids. Thanks to our collaboration with PR Auwerx and Schoonjans’ laboratory (EPFL, Lausane, SWITZERLAND), we have access to mouse models invalidated for FXRalpha or TGR5. The goal will be to decipher their respective role in testicular physiology.
We are also interested in the impact of environment exposure such as endocrine disrupters (EDs) on testicular pathophysiology. We are mainly working on estrogen-like EDs in order to analyze their impact on spermatogenesis. The goal of our group is to better understand the mechanisms involved in generational transmission of anomalies leading to diseases such as altered development, obesity and/or diabetes.
Constitutive Androstane Receptor Regulates Germ Cell Homeostasis, Sperm Quality, and Male Fertility via Akt-Foxo1 Pathway.
Published on 24 Sep 2024 in Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) - pp e2402082
Monrose M , Holota H , Martinez G, Damon-Soubeyrand C , Thirouard L , Martinot E , Battistelli E , de Haze A , Bravard S , Tamisier C , Caira F , Coutton C, Barbotin AL, Boursier A, Lakhal L, Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Understanding the role of endocrine disrupting chemicals in testicular germ cell cancer: Insights into molecular mechanisms.
Published on 29 Aug 2024 in Molecular aspects of medicine , vol. 99 - pp 101307
Pang WK , Kuznetsova E , Holota H , De Haze A , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Metallome deregulation and health-related impacts due to long-term exposure to recent volcanic ash deposits: New chemical and isotopic insights.
Published on 10 Jul 2022 in The Science of the total environment , vol. 829 - pp 154383
Sauzéat L , Eychenne J , Gurioli L, Boyet M, Jessop DE, Moretti R, Monrose M , Holota H , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Intestinal microbiota defines the GUT-TESTIS axis.
Published on 30 Apr 2022 in Gut , vol. 71 - pp 844-845
Martinot E , Thirouard L , Holota H , Monrose M , Garcia M , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
When idiopathic male infertility is rooted in maternal malnutrition during the perinatal period in mice†.
Published on 19 Mar 2022 in Biology of reproduction , vol. 106 - pp 463-476
Muranishi Y, Parry L, Vachette-Dit-Martin M, Saez F , Coudy-Gandilhon C, Sauvanet P, Volle DH , Tournayre J, Bottari S, Carpentiero F, Martinez G, Muroňová J, Escoffier J, Bruhat A, Maurin AC, Averous J, Arnoult C, Fafournoux P, Jousse C
Identification of a Crosstalk among TGR5, GLIS2, and TP53 Signaling Pathways in the Control of Undifferentiated Germ Cell Homeostasis and Chemoresistance.
Published on 30 Jun 2022 in Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) , vol. 9 - pp e2200626
Thirouard L , Holota H , Monrose M , Garcia M , de Haze A , Damon-Soubeyrand C, Renaud Y , Saru JP , Perino A, Schoonjans K, Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Identification of the Role of TGR5 in the Regulation of Leydig Cell Homeostasis.
Published on 06 Dec 2022 in International journal of molecular sciences , vol. 23
Holota H , De Haze A , Martinot E , Monrose M , Saru JP , Caira F , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Metallome deregulation and health-related impacts due to long-term exposure to recent volcanic ash deposits: New chemical and isotopic insights.
Published on 10 Jul 2022 in The Science of the total environment , vol. 829 - pp 154383
Sauzéat L , Eychenne J , Gurioli L, Boyet M, Jessop DE, Moretti R, Monrose M , Holota H , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
New perspectives on PPAR, VDR and FXRα as new actors in testicular pathophysiology.
Published on 30 Apr 2021 in Molecular aspects of medicine , vol. 78 - pp 100886
Monrose M , Thirouard L , Garcia M , Holota H , De Haze A , Caira F , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Nuclear receptors in physiology and pathophysiology.
Published on 30 Apr 2021 in Molecular aspects of medicine , vol. 78 - pp 100956
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology: Special issue hypothalomo – Pituitary axis: Roles in integrative physiology and pathophysiologies.
Published on 05 Apr 2021 in Molecular and cellular endocrinology , vol. 525 - pp 111198
Editorial: Bisphenols and Male Reproductive Health.
Published on 01 Oct 2020 in Frontiers in endocrinology , vol. 11 - pp 597609
Barbonetti A, D'Andrea S, Bernabò N, Volle DH
Farnesoid X receptor alpha (FXRα) is a critical actor of the development and pathologies of the male reproductive system.
Published on 30 Dec 2019 in Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS , vol. 76 - pp 4849-4859
Garcia M , Thirouard L , Monrose M , Holota H , De Haze A , Caira F , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Fxralpha gene is a target gene of hCG signaling pathway and represses hCG induced steroidogenesis.
Published on 30 Nov 2019 in The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology , vol. 194 - pp 105460
Holota H , Thirouard L , Garcia M , Monrose M , de Haze A , Saru JP , Caira F , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Cholesterol: A Gatekeeper of Male Fertility?
Published on 01 Jul 2018 in Frontiers in endocrinology , vol. 9 - pp 369
Sèdes L , Thirouard L , Maqdasy S , Garcia M , Caira F , Lobaccaro JA, Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Crosstalk between BPA and FXRα Signaling Pathways Lead to Alterations of Undifferentiated Germ Cell Homeostasis and Male Fertility Disorders.
Published on 09 Oct 2018 in Stem cell reports , vol. 11 - pp 944-958
Sèdes L , Desdoits-Lethimonier C, Rouaisnel B , Holota H , Thirouard L , Lesne L, Damon-Soubeyrand C, Martinot E , Saru JP , Mazaud-Guittot S, Caira F , Beaudoin C , Jégou B, Volle DH
Multigenerational impacts of bile exposure are mediated by TGR5 signaling pathways.
Published on 15 Nov 2018 in Scientific reports , vol. 8 - pp 16875
Baptissart M , Sèdes L , Holota H , Thirouard L , Martinot E , de Haze A , Rouaisnel B , Caira F , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Nuclear Receptor Metabolism of Bile Acids and Xenobiotics: A Coordinated Detoxification System with Impact on Health and Diseases.
Published on 17 Nov 2018 in International journal of molecular sciences , vol. 19
Garcia M , Thirouard L , Sedès L , Monrose M , Holota H , Caira F , Volle DH , Beaudoin C
Bile acids and male fertility: From mouse to human?
Published on 01 Aug 2017 in Molecular aspects of medicine , vol. 56 - pp 101-109
Sèdes L , Martinot E , Baptissart M , Baron S , Caira F , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
The Bile Acid Nuclear Receptor FXRα Is a Critical Regulator of Mouse Germ Cell Fate.
Published on 11 Jul 2017 in Stem cell reports , vol. 9 - pp 315-328
Martinot E , Sèdes L , Baptissart M , Holota H , Rouaisnel B , Damon-Soubeyrand C , De Haze A , Saru JP , Thibault-Carpentier C, Keime C, Lobaccaro JA, Baron S , Benoit G, Caira F , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Bile acids, roles in integrative physiology and pathophysiology.
Published on 30 Aug 2017 in Molecular aspects of medicine , vol. 56 - pp 1
Bile acids and their receptors.
Published on 30 Aug 2017 in Molecular aspects of medicine , vol. 56 - pp 2-9
Martinot E , Sèdes L , Baptissart M , Lobaccaro JM , Caira F , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Bile acid homeostasis controls CAR signaling pathways in mouse testis through FXRalpha.
Published on 09 Feb 2017 in Scientific reports , vol. 7 - pp 42182
Martinot E , Baptissart M , Véga A , Sèdes L , Rouaisnel B , Vaz F, Saru JP , de Haze A , Baron S , Caira F , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
The Bile Acid Nuclear Receptor FXRα Is a Critical Regulator of Mouse Germ Cell Fate.
Published on 11 Jul 2017 in Stem cell reports , vol. 9 - pp 315-328
Martinot E , Sèdes L , Baptissart M , Holota H , Rouaisnel B , Damon-Soubeyrand C, De Haze A , Saru JP , Thibault-Carpentier C, Keime C, Lobaccaro JA, Baron S , Benoit G, Caira F , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Bile acids and male fertility: From mouse to human?
Published on 30 Aug 2017 in Molecular aspects of medicine , vol. 56 - pp 101-109
Sèdes L , Martinot E , Baptissart M , Baron S , Caira F , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Nuclear receptors as pharmacological targets, where are we now?
Published on 30 Oct 2016 in Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS , vol. 73 - pp 3777-80
Bile acid-FXRα pathways regulate male sexual maturation in mice.
Published on 12 Apr 2016 in Oncotarget , vol. 7 - pp 19468-82
Baptissart M , Martinot E , Vega A , Sédes L , Rouaisnel B , de Haze A , Baron S , Schoonjans K, Caira F , Volle DH
Bile Acid Alters Male Mouse Fertility in Metabolic Syndrome Context.
Published on 01 Oct 2015 in PloS one , vol. 10 - pp e0139946
Vega A , Martinot E , Baptissart M , De Haze A , Vaz F, Kulik W, Damon-Soubeyrand C, Baron S , Caira F , Volle DH
Identification of the Functions of Liver X Receptor-β in Sertoli Cells Using a Targeted Expression-Rescue Model.
Published on 30 Dec 2015 in Endocrinology , vol. 156 - pp 4545-57
Maqdasy S , El Hajjaji FZ, Baptissart M , Viennois E, Oumeddour A , Brugnon F , Trousson A , Tauveron I , Volle D, Lobaccaro JM , Baron S
Enolase is regulated by Liver X Receptors.
Published on 30 Jul 2015 in Steroids , vol. 99 - pp 266-71
De Boussac H , Maqdasy S , Trousson A , Zelcer N, Volle DH , Lobaccaro JM , Baron S
Identification of the link between the hypothalamo-pituitary axis and the testicular orphan nuclear receptor NR0B2 in adult male mice.
Published on 02 Mar 2015 in Endocrinology , vol. 156 - pp 660-9
Vega A , Martinot E , Baptissart M , De Haze A , Saru JP , Baron S , Caira F , Schoonjans K, Lobaccaro JM , Volle DH
Hepatotoxicity induced by neonatal exposure to diethylstilbestrol is maintained throughout adulthood via the nuclear receptor SHP.
Published on 30 Dec 2014 in Expert opinion on therapeutic targets , vol. 18 - pp 1367-76
Vega A , Baptissart M , Martinot E , Saru JP , Baron S , Schoonjans K, Volle DH
Bile acids alter male fertility through G-protein-coupled bile acid receptor 1 signaling pathways in mice.
Published on 30 Sep 2014 in Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) , vol. 60 - pp 1054-65
Baptissart M , Vega A , Martinot E , Pommier AJ, Houten SM, Marceau G , de Haze A , Baron S , Schoonjans K, Lobaccaro JM , Volle DH
Levels of liver X receptors in testicular biopsies of patients with azoospermia.
Published on 30 Aug 2014 in Fertility and sterility , vol. 102 - pp 361-371.e5
Rondanino C , Ouchchane L, Chauffour C, Marceau G , Déchelotte P , Sion B, Pons-Rejraji H , Janny L , Volle DH , Lobaccaro JM , Brugnon F
Liver X receptors interfere with the deleterious effect of diethylstilbestrol on testicular physiology.
Published on 11 Apr 2014 in Biochemical and biophysical research communications , vol. 446 - pp 656-62
Oumeddour A , Viennois E, Caira F , Decourbey C, Maqdasy S , Tahraoui A, Baron S , Volle DH , Lobaccaro JM
Lipids, LXRs and prostate cancer: are HDACs a new link?
Published on 01 Jul 2013 in Biochemical pharmacology , vol. 86 - pp 168-74
Hoang JJ, Baron S , Volle DH , Lobaccaro JM , Trousson A
Lack of liver X receptors leads to cell proliferation in a model of mouse dorsal prostate epithelial cell.
Published on 01 Jan 2013 in PloS one , vol. 8 - pp e58876
Dufour J , Pommier A, Alves G, De Boussac H , Lours-Calet C, Volle DH , Lobaccaro JM , Baron S
Male fertility: Is spermiogenesis the critical step for answering biomedical issues?
Published on 01 Apr 2013 in Spermatogenesis , vol. 3 - pp e24114
Baptissart M , Vega A , Martinot E , Volle DH
Farnesoid X receptor alpha: a molecular link between bile acids and steroid signaling?
Published on 30 Dec 2013 in Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS , vol. 70 - pp 4511-26
Baptissart M , Vega A , Martinot E , Baron S , Lobaccaro JM , Volle DH
LXR, prostate cancer and cholesterol: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Published on 01 Mar 2013 in American journal of cancer research , vol. 3 - pp 58-69
de Boussac H , Pommier AJ, Dufour J , Trousson A , Caira F , Volle DH , Baron S , Lobaccaro JM
Cholesterol and male fertility: what about orphans and adopted?
Published on 10 Apr 2013 in Molecular and cellular endocrinology , vol. 368 - pp 30-46
Maqdasy S , Baptissart M , Vega A , Baron S , Lobaccaro JM , Volle DH
Bile acids: from digestion to cancers.
Published on 30 Mar 2013 in Biochimie , vol. 95 - pp 504-17
Baptissart M , Vega A , Maqdasy S , Caira F , Baron S , Lobaccaro JM , Volle DH
Emerging roles for LXRs and LRH-1 in female reproduction.
Published on 10 Apr 2013 in Molecular and cellular endocrinology , vol. 368 - pp 47-58
Mouzat K, Baron S , Marceau G , Caira F , Sapin V , Volle DH , Lumbroso S, Lobaccaro JM
Epigenetic: a molecular link between testicular cancer and environmental exposures.
Published on 01 Nov 2012 in Frontiers in endocrinology , vol. 3 - pp 150
Vega A , Baptissart M , Caira F , Brugnon F , Lobaccaro JM , Volle DH
Regenerating I messenger RNA and protein expression in the failing human testis: a potential molecular prognostic marker of seminoma.
Published on 30 Dec 2011 in Human pathology , vol. 42 - pp 1841-8
Mauro V, Volle DH , Chevallier D, Haudebourg J, Sénégas-Balas F, Pointis G
Liver X receptors, lipids and their reproductive secrets in the male.
Published on 30 Aug 2011 in Biochimica et biophysica acta , vol. 1812 - pp 974-81
El-Hajjaji FZ, Oumeddour A , Pommier AJ, Ouvrier A, Viennois E, Dufour J , Caira F , Drevet JR, Volle DH , Baron S , Saez F , Lobaccaro JM
[Endocrine disruptors and fertility: NR0B2, a new therapeutic target?].
Published on 30 Apr 2010 in Medecine sciences : M/S , vol. 26 - pp 359-61
Decourteix M, Volle DH
The orphan nuclear receptor small heterodimer partner mediates male infertility induced by diethylstilbestrol in mice.
Published on 30 Dec 2009 in The Journal of clinical investigation , vol. 119 - pp 3752-64
Volle DH , Decourteix M, Garo E, McNeilly J, Fenichel P, Auwerx J, McNeilly AS, Schoonjans K, Benahmed M
Absence of nuclear receptors for oxysterols liver X receptor induces ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in mice.
Published on 30 Jul 2009 in Endocrinology , vol. 150 - pp 3369-75
Mouzat K, Volat F, Baron S , Alves G, Pommier AJ, Volle DH , Marceau G , DeHaze A, Déchelotte P , Duggavathi R, Caira F , Lobaccaro JM
Liver receptor homolog 1 is essential for ovulation.
Published on 15 Jul 2008 in Genes & development , vol. 22 - pp 1871-6
Duggavathi R, Volle DH , Mataki C, Antal MC, Messaddeq N, Auwerx J, Murphy BD, Schoonjans K
The small heterodimer partner is a gonadal gatekeeper of sexual maturation in male mice.
Published on 01 Feb 2007 in Genes & development , vol. 21 - pp 303-15
Volle DH , Duggavathi R, Magnier BC, Houten SM, Cummins CL, Lobaccaro JM , Verhoeven G, Schoonjans K, Auwerx J
In vivo imaging of farnesoid X receptor activity reveals the ileum as the primary bile acid signaling tissue.
Published on 30 Jun 2007 in Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) , vol. 21 - pp 1312-23
Houten SM, Volle DH , Cummins CL, Mangelsdorf DJ, Auwerx J
Role of the nuclear receptors for oxysterols LXRs in steroidogenic tissues: beyond the “foie gras”, the steroids and sex?
Published on 02 Mar 2007 in Molecular and cellular endocrinology , vol. 265-266 - pp 183-9
Multiple roles of the nuclear receptors for oxysterols liver X receptor to maintain male fertility.
Published on 30 May 2007 in Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) , vol. 21 - pp 1014-27
Volle DH , Mouzat K, Duggavathi R, Siddeek B, Déchelotte P , Sion B, Veyssière G, Benahmed M, Lobaccaro JM
Liver X receptors regulate adrenal cholesterol balance.
Published on 30 Jul 2006 in The Journal of clinical investigation , vol. 116 - pp 1902-12
Cummins CL, Volle DH , Zhang Y, McDonald JG, Sion B, Lefrançois-Martinez AM , Caira F , Veyssière G, Mangelsdorf DJ, Lobaccaro JM
Placental expression of the nuclear receptors for oxysterols LXRalpha and LXRbeta during mouse and human development.
Published on 30 Mar 2005 in The anatomical record. Part A, Discoveries in molecular, cellular, and evolutionary biology , vol. 283 - pp 175-81
Marceau G , Volle DH , Gallot D , Mangelsdorf DJ, Sapin V , Lobaccaro JM
Alpha1beta1-integrin is an essential signal for neurite outgrowth induced by thrombospondin type 1 repeats of SCO-spondin.
Published on 30 Jan 2004 in Cell and tissue research , vol. 315 - pp 15-25
Bamdad M, Volle D, Dastugue B, Meiniel A
Nuclear oxysterol receptors, LXRs, are involved in the maintenance of mouse caput epididymidis structure and functions.
Published on 30 Oct 2004 in Journal of molecular endocrinology , vol. 33 - pp 361-75
Frenoux JM, Vernet P, Volle DH , Britan A, Saez F , Kocer A , Henry-Berger J , Mangelsdorf DJ, Lobaccaro JM , Drevet JR
Regulation of the aldo-keto reductase gene akr1b7 by the nuclear oxysterol receptor LXRalpha (liver X receptor-alpha) in the mouse intestine: putative role of LXRs in lipid detoxification processes.
Published on 30 Apr 2004 in Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) , vol. 18 - pp 888-98
Volle DH , Repa JJ, Mazur A, Cummins CL, Val P , Henry-Berger J , Caira F , Veyssiere G, Mangelsdorf DJ, Lobaccaro JM
[Oxysterols: metabolism, biological role and associated diseases].
Published on 30 Mar 2004 in Gastroenterologie clinique et biologique , vol. 28 - pp 279-93
Souidi M, Dubrac S, Parquet M, Volle DH , Lobaccaro JM , Mathé D, Combes O, Scanff P, Lutton C, Aigueperse J
[Regulation of lipid metabolism by the orphan nuclear receptors].
Published on 30 Jun 2001 in Annales d'endocrinologie , vol. 62 - pp 239-47
Lobaccaro JM , Repa JJ, Lu TT, Caira F , Henry-Berger J , Volle DH , Mangelsdorf DJ